March 30, 2009

MYnewfavoriteSPA Miami

Springtime on SoBe

If Ponce de Leon had been serious about trying to locate The Fountain of Youth, he would have made a stop at mySpa Miami, nestled in the luxurious Hotel InterContinental.

After an amazing week of navigating Ocean Dr., running on the beach, practicing Bikram yoga, enjoying gelati (yes, plural), refining my skills as a health counselor and shopping, I definitely needed a massage and facial. In a place where the beautiful people live, work and play, there was a plethora of spa options. However, there was something about mySpa that spoke to me... and I am so glad that I listened.

The hotel service was superb, from the door (even after I told them I was only staying for a few hours to enjoy the spa). Once I stepped into the hotel, I completely forgot about the hustle and bustle of downtown Miami. I was directed to the beautiful plaza level where the spa, fitness center, and pool are located.

On the day of booked services, guests have the option to enjoy all of the amenities in this serene area that instantly appeals to all 5 senses. *breathe* The dim lights, the melodic tones, the soothing aromas, the herbal infused water and the plush spa wear made for a near euphoric experience before I even met Liz, my SuperTherapist. The quaint spa boutique featured eye and skin candy from some of my favorite spa lines, as well as a few new favorites. I played in this area for a while before being escorted to the ladies spa where I placed my belongings in a Digilock locker and slid on a luxurious mySpa robe and OKAb slippers... I love them and they love me.

Because I began my last day in SoFLo on the beach, I was elated to experience the Drench Shower, which uses four heads to cascade a spectrum of warm water, as if from Heaven itself. I then moved to the majestic steam room, so that I could prepare myself for the permeation of each spa ingredient to be placed on my skin.

I rested for a few moments in the opulent relaxation room. The chaise lounger, low lights and trickling waterfalls helped me... to escape... to dreamland... just before...

What was I saying? Oh, yes! The spa! My therapist's gentle voice awakens me for my first service, the True Transformation facial. I was guided through a beautiful labyrinth of stone and steel, into 1 of 10 treatment rooms. Liz gave me preparation instructions and left the room. I did a happy dance and hopped on the warm table. I returned to my dignified self, just before Liz returned to the room. She analyzed my skin, asked about my current regimen and began to work her magic. Her hands were like tiny pillows caressing and caring for my skin- pure bliss. The steam, the brushing, the massage, the scrubbing- I love it all! Then she turned on me! She began the extractions! Unfortunately, this necessary evil becomes even more necessary when leading an active (read "sweaty") lifestyle. Liz was as gentle as she could possibly be and assured me that she would stop the process at anytime, but I was all in. Go for it, Liz! This was just a not-so-gentle reminder for me to enjoy facials and mini-facials more often. She made nice with an aromatic and moisturizing massage of my face, shoulders, arms and hands. Lovely. She finished me off with a few sweet words and told me what to do before my next service... and you won't believe this!

Zen Garden created by my good friend on South Beach

I returned to the relaxation room so that the multi-skilled (and multi-licensed) Liz could prepare a room for my Lava Shell Massage. I could not pass on this experience! Apparently, native villagers in the Philippines create a sustainable living by collecting and polishing these beautiful Tiger Clam shells that are then heated and used to help the therapist melt away any sign of stress or tension in the body. As a spa enthusiast, I must say, this was one of the most enjoyable services I have received. As the therapist kneaded my lower body, I realized that my legs were made for rubbing, not for running... I was suddenly re-thinking this half-marathon madness.

I don't remember much after that, but I do know that I highly recommend this spa, these services, and this therapist. I look and feel about 10 years younger. Ponce- eat your heart out!

Next Spa-t is in Cincinnati, Ohio!

March 28, 2009

As Women's History Month Comes To An End...

From Wednesday, March 25

I am almost embarrassed to admit that I lived in south Florida for two years and did not know that the city we now call Miami was founded by a Woman. YEP! Ms. Julia Tuttle, a citrus grower from Ohio- my home state- founded the city after The Great Freeze of 1894. Prior to that, the area was inhabited by the Tequesta Indians and later taken over by the Spanish.

Julia Tuttle, Founder of Miami

Beyond women's history, Florida, the 27th state, has had a long history of Indian/ European and Indian/ American conflict. Go figure! Another celebrated Floridian is Seminole Chief Osceola who led a small group in The Second Seminole War against the United States... I don't remember talking about that one much in history class.

Another new, but obvious find on the beach was the Holocaust Memorial. Please don't miss this the next time you go. In speaking with others around me, I learned that the one in Santa Monica is quite impressive, as well. The hatred and cruelty of the Jewish Holocaust is nearly unfathomable. I was deeply disturbed as I thought more about how people a needlessly persecuted, even today, for being different.

So, we've touched on history and politics, now what about the community service? *crickets*

It's hard on South Beach, with all of the beautiful people... but I did my part... I think. If you've been to SoBe, you know the guys who walk around with the big snakes and let you take pictures. I brought my adventurous self, so I stopped them and learned that the money was used to support endangered species. So I gave them my money and took a picture with not one, but two snakes and Alas! My service to man, er, animal kind was complete! I'll do better next time, as I also pray the money goes where it says.

The rest of the week includes watching the sunrise while running on the beach: God's light, His voice, His touch, His glory... almost too much to witness, but I am so glad that I did. This trip to the beach makes the first time that I have ever considered living near the water. When I did 10 years ago, I wasn't that impressed, now I want it back!

Spa Day is coming soon... where will it be?

March 25, 2009

Bag Lady

From Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'll take my massage, now. Thank-you.

I am already spending this glorious morning on South Beach, but my back and shoulders are aching. I am typically a great packer. However, on this particular trip, I have a few extra bags. I usually leave my laptop at home, but I have real work (not to mention blogging) to do, so I brought her along. I am also within a week of running my first Half Marathon, so I have a bag full of cute workout clothes (Nike should really be paying me), shoes, special socks, a yoga mat, energy powder and my water bottle. I thought I was doing the right thing, but after schlepping all of that through the MIA airport that's under consrtuction, I'm not so sure. My spa services are not scheduled until Thursday, but I am quite tempted to get a head start right now.

Yesterday, my mom and I were blessed by one of our favorite authors, Donna Partow, who brought forth an awesome message, including the power in having compassion for others versus telling and re-telling our own life's stories. Her message and this trip made me think of one of my favorite Erykah Badu songs, "Bag Lady"... Next trip, I am definitely going to 'pack lite'.

In the meantime, I am reading one of Donna's books and enjoying the best chicken salad sandwiches in the land at Wet Willie's... I really am here for the food. I fell in love with it while the sandwich while in south Florida for grad school. YUM!

Later today, I'm going to the Holocaust Memorial, try to find some good works to get into perhaps get in a little run. Spa Day is Thursday! Stay tuned...

March 19, 2009

Hedonism with a Heart!

If you know me- even a little- you’ll know that I cannot participate in all of this self-indulgence without doing something for humanity and the planet.

I live and love to serve. I always have. While I explore the country, I am going to leave each state relaxed and well-nourished… but that’s not all. I am also committing to participate in at least one

community service project at every stop. This will require a lot of fore planning, but if I can research the best spa and food in the city, I can certainly find a place to help feed the homeless or build a home. I can help to “renew America’s promise” while traveling America!

We all remember this powerful AP image after Katrina... I am looking forward to assisting the Katrina survivors in Louisiana, as well as other Americans in need during my adventure.

One another note, my beloved spa industry is one of the largest consumers- and many say “wasters”- of water in the world. That’s almost disheartening, but since I fully believe that the nurturing and self-care that spa services provide is essential to living a balanced life, I will not back down from this challenge... no arm twisting necessary. However, I am going to begin to invest in
Terra Pass projects with each state visit, so that I can offset my pedicured carbon footprint. You won’t get an ounce of guilt out of me! I’ll be sure to post how it goes…

March 15, 2009

My Constitution... For Life

What could be 'more perfect' than creating a 'union' among a few of my favorite things? I love to write, travel, take pictures and treat myself to the spa... actually, I prefer to be treated to the spa, but I digress.

During this new and exciting phase in my life, I am going to be traveling to each state in The Union and visiting various spas while there (YAY!). I will post pictures, preferences and maybe even politics from each visit.

Who knows? I just may find the "domestic tranquility" that our founding fathers promised.

I look forward to learning and sharing a lot about our beautiful country and all that it has to offer. Let me know if there is a specific spa, service or therapist that you think I should try.

Stay tuned for my first stop- MIAMI, FL- coming up in just a few weeks!