March 25, 2009

Bag Lady

From Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'll take my massage, now. Thank-you.

I am already spending this glorious morning on South Beach, but my back and shoulders are aching. I am typically a great packer. However, on this particular trip, I have a few extra bags. I usually leave my laptop at home, but I have real work (not to mention blogging) to do, so I brought her along. I am also within a week of running my first Half Marathon, so I have a bag full of cute workout clothes (Nike should really be paying me), shoes, special socks, a yoga mat, energy powder and my water bottle. I thought I was doing the right thing, but after schlepping all of that through the MIA airport that's under consrtuction, I'm not so sure. My spa services are not scheduled until Thursday, but I am quite tempted to get a head start right now.

Yesterday, my mom and I were blessed by one of our favorite authors, Donna Partow, who brought forth an awesome message, including the power in having compassion for others versus telling and re-telling our own life's stories. Her message and this trip made me think of one of my favorite Erykah Badu songs, "Bag Lady"... Next trip, I am definitely going to 'pack lite'.

In the meantime, I am reading one of Donna's books and enjoying the best chicken salad sandwiches in the land at Wet Willie's... I really am here for the food. I fell in love with it while the sandwich while in south Florida for grad school. YUM!

Later today, I'm going to the Holocaust Memorial, try to find some good works to get into perhaps get in a little run. Spa Day is Thursday! Stay tuned...

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